Services We Provide
Through Penetration Firestop Systems
We use the most innovative products on the market which enables us to offer a very wide variety of options for sealing your MEP penetrations. Proper system selection is key to all Firestop installations. Your penetrations may require fire, smoke, acoustical ratings or even just an aesthetically pleasing seal for your exposed areas. We have all the resources and experience you need to ensure your project passes inspection and will be delivered on time.

Construction Joints
Today’s construction joints may require an array of ratings including Fire, Smoke, Water resistance and Seismic performance. Acoustical ratings as well as mold and mildew resistance may also be needed. Our team has the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the correct system selection and will deliver a professional installation that exceeds code and specification requirements.

With extensive experience in CLIV and single membrane firestopping, we can provide a solution for all scenarios. This includes metallic electrical boxes of any size, as well as non-metallic electrical boxes. The products we use meet fire rating requirements as well as acoustical (STC) ratings. Ideal within offices, multi-family housing units and various types of health care facilities

Intumescent Fireproofing
While providing fire protection for your structural steel members and fluted decking, LSS uses only tested and listed products. Not only do we offer typical spray applied fireproof repair, we offer a clean paintable new alternative known as intumescent paint. This is a dust free and aesthetically pleasing fire rated coating that can be utilized on various types of structural applications such as I-Beams, steel columns, tube steel and even metal fluted decking.

Shaft Alternative
Applications range from steel grease ducts to emergency power electrical conduits and cable trays. This fire-resistant enclosure can provide both 1-Hour and 2-Hour fire ratings. When used with the proper sealants, a 2-hour equal F and T rating is achievable.

Sound Attenuation
Sound Transmission Class (or STC) is an integer rating of how well a building partition attenuates airborne sound. Mainly required in medical facilities, office space and multi-family housing. Using only tested sealants, sprays and devices, we can assist in keeping the noise out and your confidential information in.

Survey/Consulting-Fire Barrier Management and Remediation
Whether providing a positive inspection for the local AHJ, Fire Marshall or JCAHO, you need to know if your fire barriers are up to code. Once surveyed, we can provide extensive documentation of where your deficiencies are located as well as assist in implementing a process of remediation to show the powers that be you are indeed on top of it! One of our experienced and well-versed surveyors can be present for all inspections if need be as well.

Building Insulation

Mechanical Insulation

Spray Applied Fireproofing

Mineral Wool Fiberboard Fireproofing